区块链 vs. 分布式数据库:二分法与融合|DB Paper Reading 线上直播

百家 作者:PingCAP 2021-08-05 21:55:05

DB Paper Reading 这周继续来营业啦!我们希望通过对业界学术论文的分享,带大家了解数据库学术界最新的研究方向。8 月 10 日晚 TiDB SQL Runtime 研发工程师吴圣辉将为大家解读 Blockchains vs. Distributed Databases: Dichotomy and Fusion。该论文主要分析的是对于分布式数据库系统和区块链数据管理系统,底层设计的选择是如何导致整体差异的。从 replication, concurrency, storage, and sharding 四个角度进行分析,并以 Quorum 和 Hyperledger Fabric 这两个区块链,以及 TiDB 和 etcd 这两个分布式数据库为例,进行了深入的性能分析。感兴趣的朋友不要错过,赶紧报名约起来~


PingCAP Paper Reading

时间:2021 年 8 月 10 日晚 19:00-20:00

19:00 - 20:00

Blockchains vs. Distributed Databases Dichotomy and Fusion


TiDB SQL Runtime 研发工程师


本次分享将主要解读 Blockchains vs. Distributed Databases: Dichotomy and Fusion。本论文对当下对区块链和分布式数据库进行对比,并为以后的区块链-数据库混合模型的设计提供参考。

Blockchain has come a long way — a system that was initially proposed specifically for cryptocurrencies is now being adapted and adopted as a general purpose transactional system. As blockchain evolves into another data management system, the natural question is how it compares against distributed database systems. Existing works on this comparison focus on high-level properties, such as security and throughput. They stop short of showing how the underlying design choices contribute to the overall differences. Our work fills this important gap and provides a principled framework for analyzing the emerging trend of blockchain-database fusion. We perform a twin study of blockchains and distributed database systems as two types of transactional systems. We propose a taxonomy that illustrates the dichotomy across four dimensions, namely replication, concurrency, storage, and sharding. Within each dimension, we discuss how the design choices are driven by two goals: security for blockchains, and performance for distributed databases. To expose the impact of different design choices on the overall performance, we conduct an in-depth performance analysis of two blockchains, namely Quorum and Hyperledger Fabric, and two distributed databases, namely TiDB, and etcd. Lastly, we propose a framework for back-of-the-envelope performance forecast of blockchain-database hybrids





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