
百家 作者:DeepTech深科技 2017-09-11 08:25:25

Human Longivity used genome data to predict face shape, eye and hair color, and even what your voice sounds like and melded them into images they said were accurate enough to re-identify whose genome it was.   

Human Longivity 使用了基因组的数据预测你的脸型、眼睛和头发的颜色、甚至你的声音,然后把这些融合在一张据说可以精确再现这个基因组的主人的照片中。

But skeptics say Human Longevity actually uses a person’s race and sex—easily measured from simpler DNA tests and not a new idea—to create pictures that portray average faces, not specific ones, as the company said.

但怀疑者称 Human Longevity 其实是用了简单的基因测试就能得出的种族和性别特征,绘制了一张平均长相的脸,而不是像公司声称那种特定长相。

Using its method, the company reported it could pick the right person from a lineup of 20 photographs about 70 percent of the time. But after discarding people of a different sex and race than the subject, accuracy dropped drastically. Used to pick a specific European man out of a lineup of 20 other European men, it was right 11 percent of the time.

公司报告称,用他们的方法,在 20 张照片中找出正确的人的成功率有 70%。但是从中去掉性别和种族不同的人后,准确率大幅下降。如果要在 20 个欧洲男子照片中找到特定的一个,只有 11% 的成功率。

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