
百家 作者:DeepTech深科技 2017-09-12 11:25:26

Initial coin offerings are all the rage. Dozens of companies have raised nearly $1.5 billion via the novel fundraising mechanism just this year.Celebrities from Floyd Mayweather to Paris Hilton have jumped on the hype train. But don’t feel bad if you’re still wondering: what the hell is an ICO?

最近,ICO最近被炒得沸沸扬扬。今年,数十家公司利用这种新颖的融资方式筹措了近15亿美元。弗洛伊德·梅威瑟(Floyd Mayweather)、帕丽斯·希尔顿(Paris Hilton)等一众名人也纷纷押注ICO。你可能依然在疑惑:ICO到底是什么?没关系,我来告诉你。

The acronym probably sounds familiar, and that’s on purpose—an ICO does indeed work similarly to an initial public offering. Instead of offering shares in a company, though, a firm is instead offering digital assets called “tokens.”

这个词听起来很熟悉,确实如此,它是首次代币发行(Initial Coin Offering)的缩写,类似于首次公开募股(Initial Public Offering,IPO)。区别在于,ICO公司发行一种叫做“代币”的数字资产,而非股份。

A token sale is like a crowdfunding campaign, except it uses the technology behind Bitcoin to verify transactions. Oh, and tokens aren’t just stand-ins for stock—they can be set up so that instead of a share of a company, holders get services, like cloud storage space, for example.


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