
安全 作者:邮箱投递 2015-11-18 04:08:49
上周发生在法国巴黎的一连串暴恐事件,已经造成了129人死亡和数百人受伤。而宣布对此事负责的极端组织ISIS,也将要面临老冤家“匿名者”组织的网络围剿。然而通过加密消息应用Telegram传播的一则消息,却也与ISIS有着千丝万缕的联系,因为它竟在指导他人如何避开该黑客组织的攻击,并称之为“傻瓜”。 [caption id="attachment_17545" align="aligncenter" width="570"]16 Nov 2015, Paris, France --- 16 November 2015 – Paris, France Mourners lay flowers and light candles in front of Le Petit Cambodge restaurant in central Paris where people were gunned down. In a series of acts of violence, some 129 people were killing in shootings and suicide bombing. ISIL or islamic state claimed the responsibility. --- Image by © Leo Novel/Corbis 16 Nov 2015, Paris, France --- 16 November 2015 – Paris, France Mourners lay flowers and light candles in front of Le Petit Cambodge restaurant in central Paris where people were gunned down. In a series of acts of violence, some 129 people were killing in shootings and suicide bombing. ISIL or islamic state claimed the responsibility. --- Image by © Leo Novel/Corbis[/caption] 据Business Insider报道,这则消息有英语和阿拉伯语两种文字,并且被转发给了多个ISIS附属的Telegram频道。 作为一个松散的黑客组织,匿名者于上周日向ISIS发出了要对其进行“大规模网络攻击”的誓言,并且接连发布了多条推特消息和YouTube视频。 匿名者2 两者的拉锯战表明,现代冲突的本质正在发生变化,因为恐怖分子也在积极利用互联网(尤其是社交媒体)传播信息和招募成员。 在ISIS发出的警告信息中,其为支持者们提供了多条避免被匿名者攻击的技巧,比如不要打开不可信来源的链接、不要在Telegram上与不认识的人谈话、以及避免在Twitter上直接发布信息等。 文章来源【cnBeta】编译自:Cnet




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