LSM-Tree 内存优化方案丨DB Paper Reading 线上直播

百家 作者:PingCAP 2021-07-05 23:35:57

DB Paper Reading 这周继续来营业啦!我们希望通过对业界学术论文的分享,带大家了解数据库学术界最新的研究方向。7 月 6 日晚 PingCAP 优化器研发工程师杨俊逸将为大家解读 Chucky: A Succinct Cuckoo Filter for LSM-Tree该论文提出了使用单个 Cuckoo Filter 替代多个 Bloom filter 的设计,并使用 Huffman 编码来组织 level ID、优化内存对齐。使得整个系统能够同时兼顾低内存 I/O,低且稳定的假阳性率和相同的内存预算感兴趣的朋友不要错过,赶紧报名约起来~


PingCAP Paper Reading

时间:2021 年 7 月 6 日晚 19:00-20:00

19:00 - 20:00

Chucky: A Succinct Cuckoo Filter for LSM-Tree

PingCAP 研发工程师


专注于 SQL 优化器

PingCAP 优化器研发工程师杨俊逸将为大家解读 Chucky: A Succinct Cuckoo Filter for LSM-Tree在过去,磁盘性能与内存差距较大,对于 LSM-Tree 这类结构,内存中的操作复杂度往往可以忽略不计。但随着 NVMe SSD 性能的逐年提升,其读写性能与内存的差距逐渐缩小。由于 LSM-Tree 每层都需要维护 Bloom filter 导致在内存中需要多次读写,引起较大的延迟,使得 Bloom filter 成为 LSM-Tree 中的新瓶颈之一。该文章提出了使用单个 Cuckoo Filter 替代多个 Bloom filter 的设计,并使用 Huffman 编码来组织 level ID、优化内存对齐。使得整个系统能够同时兼顾低内存 I/O,低且稳定的假阳性率和相同的内存预算。

Modern key-value stores typically rely on an LSM-tree in storage (SSD) to handle writes and Bloom filters in memory (DRAM) to optimize reads. With ongoing advances in SSD technology shrinking the performance gap between storage and memory devices, the Bloom filters are now emerging as a performance bottleneck.

We propose Chucky, a new design that replaces the multiple Bloom filters by a single Cuckoo filter that maps each data entry to an auxiliary address of its location within the LSM-tree. We show that while such a design entails fewer memory accesses than with Bloom filters, its false positive rate off the bat is higher. The reason is that the auxiliary addresses occupy bits that would otherwise be used as parts of the Cuckoo filter's fingerprints. To address this, we harness techniques from information theory to succinctly encode the auxiliary addresses so that the fingerprints can stay large. As a result, Chucky achieves the best of both worlds: a modest access cost and a low false positive rate at the same time.





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