直播预告丨Data Placement and Queue - Meetup 北美站

百家 作者:PingCAP 2022-06-01 22:04:11

本次 Meetup 将于北京时间 6 月 10 日早 9:00 开讲!本期为“The Future of Modern Distributed SQL Databases”系列分享的第二期,PingCAP 联合创始人兼 CTO 黄东旭、高级数据库工程师裴立全将以 TiDB 的 Queue 和 Placement Rules 为例,共同探讨新型分布式数据库的未来。


活动时间:北京时间 6 月 10 日 周五 9:00 - 10:30

* 本次分享语言为英文


Data Placement and Queue

Topic 1

Ed Huang

Co-founder and CTO, PingCAP


Ed will talk about the TiDB queue. When you build a modern application in the cloud, the three main pillars are compute, messaging, and database. There are several messaging models including queue and publish/subscribe. In this talk, Ed will focus on how TiDB supports the queue.

Topic 2

Liquan Pei

Senior Database Engineer, PingCAP


Liquan Pei will introduce Placement Rules. Introduced in v5.0, Placement Rules is a replica rule system which enables users to control data placement. Typical user scenarios include: 

  • Merging databases running different applications to reduce the cost of database maintenance

  • Increasing the replica count for important data to improve application availability and data reliability

  • Storing new data on solid-state drives (SSDs) and storing old data into hard disk drives (HDDs) to lower the cost of data archiving and storage

  • Scheduling the leaders of hotspot data to high-performance TiKV instances

  • Separating cold data to lower-cost storage mediums to improve cost efficiency




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