
百家 作者:DeepTech深科技 2017-09-13 03:19:21

Before autonomous trucks and taxis hit the road, manufacturers will need to solve problems far more complex than collision avoidance and navigation.


These vehicles will have to anticipate and defend against a full spectrum of malicious attackers wielding both traditional cyberattacks and a new generation of attacks based on so-called adversarial machine learning. As consensus grows that autonomous vehicles are just a few years away from being deployed in cities as robotic taxis, and on highways to ease the mind-numbing boredom of long-haul trucking, this risk of attack has been largely missing from the breathless coverage.


There have been no reports to date of hostile hackers targeting self-driving vehicles. Ironically, though, that’s a problem. There were no malicious attackers when the dot-com startups in the 1990s developed the first e-commerce platforms, either. After the first big round of e-commerce hacks, Bill Gates wrote a memo to Microsoft demanding that the company take security seriously. The result: today Windows is one of the most secure operating systems, and Microsoft spends more than a billion dollars annually on cybersecurity. Nevertheless, hackers keep finding problems with Windows operating systems, Web browsers, and applications.

目前还没有出现黑客攻击自动驾驶汽车的报道讽刺的是,还也是一个问题。20 世纪 90 年代的网络创业公司开发第一批电子商务平台时,也没有发生恶意攻击事件。直到后来发生了第一次针对电子商务平台的大规模网络攻击后,比尔·盖茨写了一份备忘录,要求微软认真对待安全问题。现在 Windows 已经是最安全的操作系统之一,微软每年在网络安全方面花费超过十亿美元。即便如此,黑客们仍然能从 Windows 操作系统Web 浏览器和应用程序中揪出问题。

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