
看点 作者:科技喵 2017-09-07 07:22:34
  主办单位: 广东省网络文化协会、广东网络新媒体视听协会、广东省广电网络股份有限公司、 广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司 Organized by: GuangDong Association of Cyber Culture Guangdong Association of Internet New Media Audio-Visual Guangdong Provincial Broadcast, Television, Network Limited Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group 战略合作单位:(拟) 京东、Microsoft微软(中国)有限公司、Google、华为、三星、HTC、索尼、亚马逊、OCULUS、大朋VR(乐相科技)、Oculus Rift、HoloLens、Morpheus、深圳 3Glasses、蚁视、微鲸、支付宝钱包、微信、睿悦信息Nibiru、暴风魔镜、魅族、LG、黑盾、打扮家、玖的数码、卓远科技、乐客、PICO、kat、上海酷睿、穆特科技、深圳游视、青橙视界、UCVR... Cooperative Units: JD.com, Microsoft, Google, HUAWEI, Samsung, HTC,Sony, Amazon, OCULUS, Deepoon,Oculus Rift, HoloLens, Morpheus、Shenzhen 3Glasses, ANTVR, WHALEY, Alipay, WeChat, Nibiru, Mojing, MEIZU, LG, Black Shield, Super Technology, PICO, Kat, COOEE TECHNOLOGY, MOTUS, Shenzhen Useus, Kingsee, UCVR, etc. 战略合作媒体:(拟) 腾讯、搜狐、网易、央视、东方卫视、广东卫视、南方都视、上海广播电视台、湖南广播电视台、新华网、VR界、VR大视界、VR2048、魔多VR、黑匣VR、87870.com、妖界VR、VR产业人、VR头条、VR168、极VR、AR酱、SNAIL SHELL、913VR、VR乐趣网、72变、VR观察、VR日报、VR技术、VR村、VR玩家、VR信息资讯网、淘VR、VR泡泡网、 AR in China、玩具谷、数字展示在线、OFweek可穿戴设备网、智+空间、好机器人网、蜂迷世界、科技报、娱乐报、投哪儿网络、物联网智库、极智网、萌客、多曼、镁客网、明日世界、物联中国、游戏蛮牛、青亭网、泡泡网、数字展示在线、赛隆网、爱玩网、YIVIAN、花火、游物语、游戏狗、活动行、增强现实中国、智嗨、智东西、明日世界等、斗鱼、AR in china500+以上媒体... Partner Media: Tencent, Sohu, NetEase, CCTV, Dragon TV, Guangdong TV, South TV, Radio and Television Shanghai, Hunan TV, Xinhua Net, VRjie,VR2048, Moduo VR,Heihe VR, 87870.com, Yaojie VR, VRchanyeren,VRtoutiao,VR168, Ji VR, AR Jiang, SNAIL SHELL, 913VR, VR Lequ, 72Byte,VR Guancha, VRRB, VRCUN, TAOVR, VR Popo, AR in China, Toys Gu, etc. 战略合作大学与机构:(拟) 北京大学、北京航空航天大学、北京理工大学、北京师范大学、中国图像图形学会学术委员会、中国电子商务协会虚拟现实专业委员会、深圳3D影视协会、中国VR/AR创投联盟、国际虚拟现实行业协会、AR行业应用联盟、中国虚拟现实产业联盟、中国VR/AR游戏产业联盟、G2A... Cooperative universities and associations: Peking University, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Normal University, the Committee of China Society of Image and Graphics, (Shenzhen) 3D Film and TV Association, China Virtual Reality Industry Association, etc; 注:以上排名均不分先后 Note: The above list is in no particular order 承办单位:广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司 Sponsored by: Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group 【VR/AR Fair2018 展会概括】 VR与AR作为新兴领域,存在更多普通人难以看到的前景和机会。由广东省网络文化协会、广东网络新媒体视听协会、广东省广电网络股份有限公司、广东鸿威国际会展集团有限公司共同主办的“2017亚洲VR&AR博览会暨高峰论坛”已于2017年3月8日-11日在广州·中国进出口商品交易会(广交会展馆A区)盛大召开,相关政府部门、海内外合作单位、投融资机构、新闻媒体、相关协会、以及VR与AR上下游企业及人士出席此次展会。上届展会展览面积20000平方、参展企业120余家、参观人数30000人次、专业外商超过400人次。并于5月在武汉,8月在中山,12月在北京各地举办全国巡展,获得参展企业的广泛好评。亚洲VR&AR博览会的参展商代表企业有京东、HTC、大朋VR、柔宇科技、乐客VR、超级队长、恒润数字科技、身临其境、玖的数码科技、传送科技、51VR、龙图教育、黑晶科技、武汉折叠空间、幻境科技、创龙智新、香港佳玛、全影汇、影擎电子、力给科技、富华科技、龙程电子、精敏数字等百余家行业领先企业,促进VR与AR行业经济发展新蓝图和共赢发展。 VR/AR Fair2018 Exhibition Summary VR & AR as emerging industry exposes unpredictable market outlook and opportunities. Aiming to bring together industry elites together and boost VR & AR market, Asia VR & AR Fair & Summit 2017 was creatively inaugurated during March 8-11, 2017 at China Import & Export Fair Complex, Guangzhou, China. Spanning over 20,000 sq.m., it received more than 120 exhibitors at home and abroad, 30,000 person-time visitors, over 400 person-time foreign merchants. In 2016, the highly acclaimed Asia VR & AR Fair & Summit then organized a nationwide tour in Wuhan in May, Zhongshan in August and Beijing in December consecutively. Over 100 brand exhibitors comprising JD.COM , HTC, Royole, DeePoon VR, Super Captain, Hiran, SLQJ VR, NINED VR, TPCAST VR, 51VR, and so many others were converged under the same roof to facilitate the future of VR & AR for win-win cooperation. Organized by GuangDong Association of Cyber Culture、Guangdong Association of Internet New Media Audio-Visual、Guangdong Provincial Broadcast, Television, Network Limited、Guangdong Grandeur International Exhibition Group. VR/AR Fair2018 云集世界品牌,构筑品质盛会 VR/AR Fair2018, Gathering International Brands & Holding an Excellent Fair Facebook花20亿美元收购业界领头羊Oculus VR,被业界视作引爆VR热潮的开端。2016年虚拟现实走进高考被视为中国虚拟现实产业发展史“里程碑”,虚拟现实是继智能手机之后的革命性产品,VR与AR应用已影响旅游、购物、医疗、教育、娱乐、设计、地产、工业、军工、国防等领域,且应用市场还在不断快速的深入扩张。 Facebook spending $2 billion purchasing industrial leader Oculus VR is deemed to be the beginning of VR boom. In 2016 VR was involved in China’s College Entrance Examination, which is regarded as the "milestone" of China’s VR development history. VR is a revolutionary product after smart phone. VR and AR applications have influenced tourism, shopping, medical care, education, entertainment, design, real estate, industrial, military, national defense, etc, with rapidly increasing market expansion. 未来5至10年内,VR与AR技术将迎来集中爆发期,颠覆性的技术及应用将拥有巨大市场份额。2017全球巨头将继续投资并购,虚拟现实和增强现实领域大量资本涌入。Intel、Facebook、Google、华为、微软、苹果以及腾讯、小米、暴风科技、阿里、京东等将VR作为重点投资项目,技术应用领域将进一步扩大,预计2020年VR与AR产业产值达到1200亿美元。 In the next 5 to 10 years, VR and AR technology will usher in a booming period. Powerful technologies and applications will have a huge market share. In 2017 global giants will continue to invest and merge in VR. Intel, Facebook, Google, Huawei, Microsoft, Apple, Tencent, Millet, Storm Technology, Alibaba, Jingdong will take VR as a key investment project. Technology applications will be further expanded. It is expected that in 2020 the output value of VR and AR industry will reach $120 billion. 工信部《虚拟现实产业发展白皮书5.0》:虚拟现实正处于产业爆发前夕,将进入持续高速发展的窗口期。未来应该提前谋划布局做好顶层设计,通过财政专项支持虚拟现实技术产业化,实现核心技术突破,加强文化和品牌建设。 Ministry of Industry and Information Technology points out that VR is on the eve of the outbreak period and will soon enter the window period of persistent and rapid development. In the future, the layout should be planned in advance to do the top-level design. We should achieve the core technology breakthroughs and strengthen cultural and brand building through the financial special support for virtual reality technology industrialization. 据统计数据显示,预计2106年全球VR头显设备的出货量将会达到630万个,其中40%的需求来自中国。广州,作为中国改革开放前沿城市,科技创新及应用处于领先位置。举办亚洲VR&AR博览会暨高峰论坛可为行业的发展提供重要的经济、技术合作与产品交流的平台,促进VR与AR技术和现代生活的紧密结合,为VR与AR行业企业提供宽广的推广平台和专业服务,将为行业发展带来革命性创新与融合。 According to statistics, it’s expected that in 2106 global VR device shipments will reach 630, among which 40% of the demand is from china. Guangzhou is the forefront city of China's reform and opening up, with science and technology innovation and application in a leading position. Asia Asia VR&AR Fair&Summit will provide a broad promotion platform,professional services, revolutionary innovation and integration to VR&AR industry by providing an important platform for economy, technological cooperation and product exchange, intensifying the combination between VR&AR technology and modern life. 【VR/AR Fair2018 同期活动】(拟) 1、VR/AR高峰专题论坛(娱乐、教育、互联网、工业、医疗、军事、地产等)。 2、VR/AR最新高端技术、产品新闻发布会。 3、VR+二次元展示。 4、投资路演+VR/AR投融资对接会。 5、行业最具权威颁奖典礼暨高端晚宴。 VR/AR Fair2018 Concurrent events 1. VR/AR Summit Forum 2. VR/AR High-end Technology and Products Press Conference 3. VR+ Two-Dimensional Show 4. Investment Project Show & VR/AR Matchmaking Meeting 5. Industry's Most Authoritative Awards Ceremony & High-end Dinner 拟邀嘉宾:三星、Intel、Facebook、Google、华为、微软、苹果以及腾讯、小米、暴风科技、阿里、京 东等相关负责人。 Target Guest: Samsung, Intel、Facebook, Google, HUAWEI, Microsoft, Apple, Tencent, MI, Stormer Player, Alibaba, JD.com, etc. 【VR/AR Fair2018 目标观众】 IT行业、软件开发、硬件产业、互联网业、影视制作、娱乐行业、旅游行业、教育行业、设计行业、城建行业、主题公园、游乐城场、影城影院、现代商业、房地产业、安防行业、广告行业、医疗行业、工业、军事业、地产等。 Target Visitor IT industry, software developer, hardware industry, internet industry, film and television production, entertainment industry, tourism, education industry, design, city construction, theme park, entertainment city, cinema, theater, modern commerce, real estate, security industry, advertisement industry, medical industry, industry, military industry, etc. 【VR/AR Fair2018 参展范围】 VR/AR硬件设备:显示设备、输入设备、数据设备、跟踪设备、跟踪系统、定位系统、其它跟踪器等。 VR/AR系统设备:沉浸式虚拟现实系统、桌面式虚拟现实系统、增强式虚拟现实系统、分布式虚拟现实 系统等。视觉感知设备、听觉感知设备、触觉反馈设备、信息处理系统。 VR/AR技术:立体显示技术、环境建模技术、真实感实时绘制技术、三维虚拟声音技术、视觉实时动态 绘制技术、人机自然交互技术、传感技术、物理仿真技术、三维全真技术、实时碰撞检测技术等。 VR/AR生产设备及零配件:VR系统、超级计算机、显示器、微投影、视频处理芯片、微投器件、传感 器、摄像头、光学镜片、显示屏。 VR/AR软件:建模工具软件、开发工具软件、web3D技术、cult3D技术、VRML虚拟现实建模语言、全 景技术等。 VR/AR游戏:VR乐园、VR体验、VR旅游、VR/AR驾驶、VR建模游戏、VR射击游戏等。 VR/AR应用解决方案:汽车制造、装备制造、航空航天、国防军事、医疗健康、能源工程、智慧城市、 智慧教育、智慧旅游。 VR/AR内容制作展示 Exhibition Scope VR/AR Hardware Equipment: output/input equipment, data equipment, tracking equipment/system, location system and other tracking device, etc; VR/AR System Equipment: immersive VR system, desktop VR system, AR system, distributed VR system, etc. Visual sensor, auditory sensor, information processing system, etc; VR/AR Technology: 3D output technology, environment modeling technology, 3D sound simulation technology, human-machine interaction technology, physical simulation technology, life-time collision detection technology, etc; VR/AR Production Equipment and Accessories: VR system, super computer, screen, micro projector, video processing chip, sensor, optical glass, etc; VR/AR Game: VR park, VR experience, VR travel, VR/AR drive, VR shooting game, VR modeling game, etc; VR/AR Software: modeling software, development software, web3D technology, cult3D technology, VR modeling language, panoramic technique, etc; VR/AR Application Solution: vehicle production, equipment production, aircraft and space ship, national defense and military industry, medical treatment, wellness, energy engineering, intelligent city, intelligent education, intelligent tourism, etc; VR/AR Content Creation Demonstration 【 VR/AR Fair 2018 国内外推广】 1、国内主要城市干道及交通枢纽广告。 2、纸媒、电视、网媒、论坛、线上直播等。 3、国内、国际际呼叫中心电话邀请。 4、数据库邮件、电话、信息推广。 5、展会门票直邮。 6、行业展会、论坛、会议等活动现场推广宣传。 7、与国内、外投资单位、行业机构、大学、媒体、企业等深度合作宣传推广。 8、中外合作协办媒体约500家 Domestic and overseas promotion 1. Main city road and transportation hub 2. Paper media, TV, network media, forums, live, etc 3. Domestic and international call center telephone 4. Database mail, telephone, information promotion 5. Tickets for the fair 6. Industry exhibitions, forums, conferences and other activities 7. Domestic and foreign investment units, industry organizations, universities, media, enterprises 8. 500 domestic and overseas cooperation media 【 VR/AR Fair 2018 展会优势 Advantages】 1、国际互动,推动国际VR&AR行业全球化 International Interaction to Promote the International VR&AR Industry Globalization 基于展会国际性的定位,结合众多国际投资、技术、企业、媒体等条件,组委会在组织工作中增强融 入更多全球元素,从国际化VR&AR各个领域着手,促使行业全球化路线走的更加长远、宽广。 The organizing committee will further enhance the integration of global element at work on the basis of global orientation and advantage on international investment .technology,,enterprises and media,to expand and broaden globalization from all fields. 2、国际企业合作计划 Plan for International Enterprise Cooperation 鸿威会展集团运作广州休闲娱乐博览会13年,有着庞大的国际部门机构,多年国际展会自办、代理, 自创国际杂志及媒体、企业合作等经验。通过集团800万企业数据库,通过电话、电子邮件以及直接邮寄,国际呼叫中心每周为展会增加6000次呼叫,广泛邀请国际观众及展商。 Holding Guangzhou International Leisure & Recreation Expo for 13 years, Grandeur Exhibition Group has large international department with rich experience of cooperation with international media, magazines and enterprises. Through telephone, e-mail and direct mail, the international call center will increase 6000 times of call every week and invite the international visitors and exhibitors. 3、国内展商鼎力支持 Domestic Exhibitors’ Support 鸿威会展集团举办的展会已有国内及国际VR展商等众多资源参与。其中以北上广深为代表的企业居多。这些已合作多年的展商强力支持并已参与主办的展会。针对此次活动举办,国内行业展商及巨头企业表示全力支持,全力扩大同行及观众采购,通过多方资源鼎立支持此次展会。 Many domestic and overseas VR exhibitors participate in the exhibition held by Grandeur Exhibition Group.The majority of exhibitors are enterprises from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen. To express strong support, and in view of our pleasure cooperation for years, these enterprises participate the exhibition positively. Futhermore, domestic exhibitors and giant enterprises express full support via different channels, so as to attract more peers and professional buyers. 4、鸿威会展集团具有各领域专业观众资源 Grandeur Exhibition Group Owning Numerous Professional Visitors From Various Areas 鸿威会展集团有着十几年会展筹备经验,就2018年4月3日-5日同期举办的展会有2018亚洲乐园及景点博览会(原广州国际电玩游艺设备展暨广州国际主题公园与文旅产业展)(简称AAA)、2018第十二届广州国际KTV迪厅酒吧设备及用品展、2018第九届广州国际影剧院技术及设施展。展览规模100000平方米,参观采购商预计120000人次。集团公司每年举办园林、建筑、互联网等展会,这些专业性买家群体数据,已为VR&AR覆盖娱乐、教育、互联网、金融、影视、地产等领域,奠定了强大的观众基础。展会筹备期间,公司将统一目前覆盖行业所有资源,大面积广泛的推广宣传各个领域。 Grandeur Exhibition Group has more than 10 years of exhibition experience. The concurrent events during April 3rd-5th , 2018 are 2018 Asia Amusement & Attractions Expo (AAA2018), China KTV&Disco&Bar 2018, China Theater & Cinema 2018. The exhibition will cover an area of 100,000 square meters with visitors of 120,000, which is benefical for VR&AR to be combined with entertainment, education, Internet, finance, film and television, real estate and other fields. During the exhibition, Grandeur Group will gather all industry resources to promote widely. 5.政府政策大力支持 Government’s Supportive Policies 结合国家及各地区政府,其中以对虚拟现实及增强现实行业的多项扶持政策,财政助力渗透VR&AR产业,全力推动行业加速扩展。 On the basis of China’s and local supportive polices for VR, finance boosts the rapid development of VR&AR industry. 6. 投资机构支持 Investment institution Support 广泛合作国内外投资机构,特邀投资机构负责人至展会活动现场,与各企业深入探讨及洽谈合作。 To widely cooperate with domestic and overseas investment institutions and specially invite the relevant leaders to negotiate and cooperate with the enterprises at the scene. 【 VR/AR Fair 2018 费用标准】 Exhibition Fee 【会刊及其它广告】(广告版面由广告商自行设计) Ad Cost 【 VR/AR Fair 2018 参展方式】 1、展位安排将以“先申请、先付款、先确认”的原则。填写申请及合约表,加盖公章后传真或邮寄至组 委会,申请表一经签字盖章后同具合同效力,传真或复印件有效。 2、递交参展申请表后五个工作日内请将参展费款项汇入组委会,逾期展位将不予保留。 3、组委会收到参展申请表及参展款项后,于展前1个月内发出《参展指南》。 4、组委会根据会场的整体效果和安全消防的需要,有权调整部分已确认展位。 Guide for Exhibitors 1.Booths will be arranged according to the principle of “application first,payment second ,confirmation last". Please carefully fill out the "Exhibitor Contract" with company stamp before faxing or sending email to the Organizing Committee. Once the application form is signed and sealed, the contract, fax or copy will be valid. 2.Please pay the exhibition fee to the organizing committee within five working days after submission of the application form. The booth won’t be reserved if the payment is overdue. 3. After receiving the application form and payment, the organizing committee will issue the "Exhibition Guidance" within 1 month before the exhibition. 4. The organizing committee has the right to adjust the confirmed booths according to the overall effect of the venue and the needs of security and fire protection. 【 VR/AR Fair 2018 联系方式】




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